Our new brand DISPENDIX: innovative liquid handling
Liquid Handling

Safe handling of your liquid samples


Liquid handling is an essential part of the research process. A large portion of the work of a lab technician is done with liquids. You want operations during the liquid handling process to be correct and everything to be done according to the correct dosage. The quality of the tools used is crucial here. We have partnerships with the leading manufacturers of liquid handling instruments and consumables, and can provide you with the products that will enable you to accurately discover new insights in the lab. Depending on your needs, we offer manual and electronic solutions for pipetting liquids, as well as a variety of pipette tips and serological pipettes.

Our liquid handling partners

For our liquid handling instruments we draw on the expertise of CAPP and Ritter, Danish and German labware manufacturers that provide premium products in the field of liquid handling. Their products have been sold and tested in millions, and are highly accurate and reliable. The pipette tips are available in different versions, such as those with filter, without filter, sterile, in standard quality or in โ€˜low retentionโ€™ quality. Naturally, the tips are supplied in a wide range of sizes and in Biocleanยฎ, whereby they are sterile, pyrogen-free and DNA-, RNase- and ATP-free (tested and confirmed by independent test laboratories).

Vacuum pumps for the liquid handling process

We also offer various types of vacuum pumps, for aspiration of waste materials. Here you have the choice between two all-in-one solutions, for both large quantities of liquid and small quantities of liquid. This selection of innovative and high quality liquid handling instruments and consumables is available to order from NBS Scientific.

Finally, we are proud to be a supplier for the innovative Dispendix, which produces high-quality and modern liquid handling machines for various domains in life science.

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